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Scent Slayer Products for Dear Hunting

Keeping the Tradition Alive

Our Products


Healthy herd mineral mix is the only mineral supplement with an added peanut butter aroma and flavor. By adding the Peanut Butter, the Healthy Herd mineral mix sites have been revisited and used more often by bucks needing the proper mineral to grow bigger and better racks, and does needing the proper mineral to produce healthier milk and nutrition putting larger and healthier fawns on the ground. Healthy Hard Mineral Mix cover all aspect of minerals and nutrition needed to produce a healthier deer herd. You will enjoy the performance and difference healthy herd mineral mix will have on the deer in your area.

Place a half of bucket (5lbs) per mineral site and freshen in a month, then you should see deer literally eating and tearing the ground up creating large hole in the dirt, at that point you can freshen again. Optimal time to use Health Herd Mineral Mix is early spring when the bucks are growing new racks and the does are carrying our future herd. You will be used year round. Enjoy your success and watch your herd grow healthier racks and fawns using the Healthy Herd Mineral Mix.

Deer rustler

The Deer Rustler attractants have then formulated to get deer to your feed area quicker and hold them there longer. With the irresistible flavors of apple, white oaks, persimmons, vanilla/berry, and peanut butter aroma and flavors, the deer tend to come more often and stay longer giving you more camera picture, viewing pleasure and more opportunities to harvest your deer.

With proven success hunters are now seeing deer that they didn’t even know was in the area. Deer Rustler attractants are giving hunters a new confidence and excitement of hunting and see more deer. Enjoy your success using the Deer Rustler attractants

Rutt Balm

Rutt Blam come in a rut’n buck and estrus doe stick from. Rutt Blam’s unique no spill, no leak technology allows hunters to gently rub Rutt Blam of their choice on their boot, pants bottoms, cotton balls, drags rags and the natural surrounding at their stand location.

Rutt Blam’s revolutionary formula has been a favorite to serious hunter and has allowes hunters to harvest the buck of a lifetime. Rutt Blam has given hunter’s chances to see more Deer, even deer they didn’t even know was around. Rutt Blam will definitely add excitement to your hunting adventures, good luck and enjoy your success using Rutt Blam.

Bachelor and Bachelorette

The Bechelor and The Bachelorette are taken at a peek rutting stage and a peak estrus stage. Using the bachelor and the bachelorette together has proven to be the best Technique, Spraying the bachelor on boots, pant bottoms and drag rags. While spraying add the bachelorette on cotton balls and drag rags and place in sigh of your stand.

Bachelor and Bachelorette

The Bechelor and The Bachelorette are taken at a peek rutting stage and a peak estrus stage. Using the bachelor and the bachelorette together has proven to be the best Technique, Spraying the bachelor on boots, pant bottoms and drag rags. While spraying add the bachelorette on cotton balls and drag rags and place in sigh of your stand.


Scent Slayer does not cover or mask odors, Scent Slayer eliminate odor attaching all odor causing bacteria at the molecular level. From perfume, chemicals to bodily fluids, Scent Slayer kills odor on contact using the revolutionary X-Zyme Technology, and the MEF (molecule evaporation formula) technology. Scent Slayer is the only product that keeps fighting off and killing odor after the initial application, and leaves behind a slight scent if Pine and/or Earth. Even with all of this, Scent Slayer is eco-friendly and safe for skin contact. Scent Slayer stay with you long after the hunt.

Scent Slayer: ‘Earth” , Scent Slayer: “Pine”

Scent Slayer Bar Soap is not only scent free, but scent eliminationg Scent Slayer Bar Soap is formatted using the revolutionary X-Zyme technology and the MEF (molecule evaporation formula) technology, which allows the Scent Slayer Bar Soap to continue killing any and all bacteria causing odors long after the initial use. Scent Slayer Bar Soap is eco-friendly, and stays with you long after the hunt. Scent Slayer Bar Soap is the only bar soap that comes in it’s own soap sontainer, which you can reuse and travel safely with


Scent Slayer Shampoo is formulated using the revolutionary X-Zyme technology and the MEF (molecule evaporation formula) Technology. Scent Slayer Shampoo is the only shampoo that continue working after the initial use. Scent Slayer Shampoo is Eco-friendly and stays with you long after the hunt.


Scent Slayer laundry detergent is formulated using the new revolutionary X-Zyme technology and the MEF (molecule evaporation formula) technology. Scent Slayer Laundry Detergent is the only Laundry Detergent that keeps working long after the initial wash. Use one to two ounces per wash to get the best results. Now you can enter the woods confident that clothing is a scent free as you are, allowing you to get closer to your game: Scent Slayer Laundry Detergent is eco-friendly and stay long after the hunt.


Scent Slayer does not cover or mask odors, Sent Slayer eliminate odor by attaching all odor causing bacteria at the molecular level. From perfume, chemicals to bodily fluids, scent slayer kills odor on contact using the revolutionary X-Zyme technology, and the MEF (molecule evaporation formula) technology. Scent Slayer is the only product that keeps fighting off and killing odor after the initial application. Even with all of this, Scent Slayer is eco-friendly and safe for skin contact. Scent Slayer stays with you long after the hunt.


What are Client say about Us

I highly recommend the Dixieland Outdoors to anyone looking for a great scent eliminating products for deer hunting. I want to give Lou and the moonshine ranch 10 stars! Last year was my best year and I only used their products. I can’t wait to use more of their products this season!

Jim Johnsen
Rating: 5

Thanks so much for the excellent scent eliminating product. These products are perfect for hunters who want to be completely prepared for the hunting season.

Rating: 5

​I have used many other scent elimination products in my hunting career, Dixieland Outdoors has given me the confidence to know each and every time I step in the field to hunt I have a product that I can trust and that is proven to work.

Alyn W.
Rating: 5

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Keeping the Tradition Alive

Faith, Family, and Hunt

Remember the God created the great outdoors, enjoy it with your family and make cherishable memories that will last a lifetime

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